Sunday, May 23, 2021


 I lost interest in my crossover project on OUROBOROS DREAMS some time back, but though this one isn't great, it is one of the most peculiar.

In FEATURE COMICS #81 (1944)-- a comic whose headliner was the long-lived but nearly forgotten Doll Man-- a humorous character named Blimpy got himself shrunk to doll-size. So he calls Doll Man about his predicament, and the hero refuses to help because it would break "union rules."

On a totally unrelated subject, here's a late fifties cover from Simon and Kirby's THE FLY:

It's a pretty cool cover, unless one stops to wonder why a superhero who can fly is bothering to swing at the villains on a rope.


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  2. I'm surprised anyone missed it. It hadn't gathered any comments since its inception, and more importantly, I lost interest in the idea and hadn't posted there in three or more months. But I decided to create a new "superhero themed" resource, starting today, and hopefully that will prove more compelling.

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  3. It just depends on the purpose of each blog. The movie blog is a means to sort out the different ways to deal with fictional phenomena. There, the subject of "what belongs to a superhero idiom" is secondary, whereas on the GRAND blog, the question can be primary.
