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Saturday, September 16, 2023


 In response to Joe Rogan's podcast interview with Bill Maher, I wrote the following, which I'm reproducing here mostly because I like my "shark-remora" metaphor.


I listened to the "BLM" segment of the Rogan/Maher interview twice, and at no time did Maher make any statement that Black people are more violent than other racial groups. At most he said that a lot of the killings, specifically in Chicago though the principle applies elsewhere, took place because of "stupid shit" like people quarreling over being dissed in one way or another. It is quite possible to criticize elements of particular ethnic subcultures without being racist, though you wouldn't know it from Progressives (and Maher makes an astute case about why these people should not be called Liberals, BTW).

The idea that all of this shitty behavior would stop if you address "social causes" with money is a dumb idea beloved by Progressives. The truth is, give an immoral person money and he won't become moral. If anything he'll feel like you paid him because of his immoral actions. Thus the Black gangbanger who kills or terrorizes ordinary Black citizens, upon being given money, may well become the BLM organizer, who in theory terrorizes both ordinary Whites and Whites in the power structure. But wait, did any of those organizers actually change the power structure? Or did they just become remora-like attachments to the Great White Sharks, sponging off the sharks while their poor Black brother-fish are still being targeted by the gangbangers?

I don't have much faith that Maher's idea of getting Black civic leaders or sports figures to decry illegal activities would have any effect. There's too much short-term gain. But I agree that there are ways they could make a stand just for its own sake. "Silence is violence," after all.

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