For this first entry in my new series of “mythcomics,” I
select an example of what I term “clansgression.” Readers of
this blog may recall that this formulation takes in not only the
phenomenon of literal incest, but all the sociocultural associations
that have arrayed themselves around the phenomenon.
The story “Superman’s Super-Courtship” appeared in the June 1962 issue of ACTION COMICS, issue 289, by Siegel and Mooney, and edited by
Mort Weisinger. This story was one of many during Weisinger’s
tenure in which characters in the “Superman universe” sought to
manipulate romantic alliances, either to the benefit of themselves or of some other person. “Courtship” wasn’t even the first time
Supergirl attempted to play matchmaker for her older cousin Superman,
but the story has garnered a little more Net-attention for its
psychological content, as one can see here. The dominant
reading for this story has been to focus on one panel seen herein,
arguing that it provides what is currently called *squick * via the
thirty-something Superman’s profession of lust for his teenaged
I won’t entirely disavow this interpretation. The story was
written, drawn, and edited by men, and Mort Weisinger in particular
isn’t known as a great bastion of feminist sensitivity.
Nevetheless, “Courtship” is a Supergirl story, ostensibly aimed
at juvenile girl readers, so the conscious intent of the story’s
raconteurs was to play to the egos of girls, as the raconteurs
perceived them. Thus the story might be better titled “Supergirl’s
Super-Courtship,” since her decision to play matchmaker for her
cousin is one that reinforces her own ego, more than doing anything
for Superman.
Supergirl, in her secret ID as Linda Lee, sees a sad romantic film
that makes her decide that since the Man of Steel can’t make up his
mind about either Lois Lane or Lana Lang, he must need a new
inamorata, one chosen by the Girl of Steel. Superman seems curiously
compliant as he cooperates with her shenanigans, rather than
undermining her efforts to “teach her a lesson;” this might serve
as more evidence that the creators’ primary motivation was to
validate Supergirl’s ego.
Supergirl tries three times to set up her cousin, and the first
two matchmaking sessions are played for comedy. Even though Supergirl
thinks to herself that her cousin doesn’t think one can change the
past through time-travel—a repeated “rule” in the
Superman-universe—the superheroine tries to do just that, after
reasoning that her noble cousin deserves the most beautiful woman
ever—none other than Helen of Troy. Technically, it’s Helen
before she was either stolen by Trojans or married to the Greek king
Menelaus; Supergirl arranges to have her cousin show up while dozens
of suitors are courting Helen. Not only are no sparks struck from
Superman’s meeting with Helen, the Greek princess gets royally
pissed off at the super-duo’s intrusion. Helen is particularly
miffed that Supergirl’s talents put Helen in the shade—which,
psychologically speaking, is where a quasi-mother figure like Helen
of Troy belongs.
Supergirl’s second attempt is firmly rooted in the Superman
cosmos, drawing upon the superhero-team the Legionnaires, a group of
teens dwelling in Earth’s 30th century. Supergirl takes
it into her head that one of the superheroines in this group might be
a match for Superman—though not as a teen heroine, of course.
Supergirl draws her compliant cousin to a party in an era when where
some if not all Legionnaires have grown to adulthood. Yet, while
Supergirl researches Helen’s social matrix to get the lay of the
princess’ land, the Girl of Steel doesn’t bother to find out
first whether or not her second choice—Saturn Woman, known as
Saturn Girl in her teen incarnation-- is married or not. This
incident may have been a shout-out to Legion readers, who would have
known that the character of Saturn Girl had a regular beau—to whom
she would inevitably be married in adult life, given the expectations
of the reading-audience.
When the two Kryptonians return to their own era, it’s then that
Supergirl confesses her matchmaking scheme to her cousin. Throughout
most of the story the reader isn’t privy to Superman’s thoughts;
he’s only defended his intention not to marry as one of being
dedicated to his superhero career. At this point he soothes his
cousin’s bruised ego by telling her that he would only marry
“someone super and lovable like… you!!” The “super” part of
the equation refers back to a frequent trope in other stories: that
Superman will not marry an un-super woman since she might be killed
by his enemies. The “lovable” part of the equation might express
some latent sexual feelings on his part. Altternately, it meant mean
that he’s figured out that she’s playing Cupid to exorcise her
own libidinous demons, and that he’s letting her down easily, with a not
entirely germane discussion about how Kryptonian cousins cannot
intermarry. In an extrinsic sense, editor Weisinger may have wanted
this speech included, if he had received fannish suggestions about
seeing the super-cousins married—though this is only speculation.
However, Superman’s attempt to end the conversation spurs
Supergirl to new heights: since he’s said he would marry someone
like her, she uses his “super computer machine” to find that
there exists another superwoman—identical to Supergirl except for
being an adult—on the planet Staryl.
Superman again complies with his cousin’s request; he seeks out
Staryl and makes the acquaintance of superwoman Luma Lynai. In one of
the hero’s very few thought-balloons, he thinks, “Can I find a
girl [on Staryl] as wonderful as Supergirl?”—indicating at the
very least that he isn’t blind to his cousin’s attractiveness,
teenager or not. Sure enough, in the space of one panel Superman meets and
woos Luma Lynai (who wears a costume not unlike Supergirl’s, though
Luma chooses hot pants rather than a skirt). Superman invites Luma to
visit Earth so that they can be wed if she likes it there—a
whirlwind courtship, indeed! But Earth’s yellow sun strips Luma of
her super-powers, which was the main thing that pulled her ahead in
the race against Lois and Lana. As Luma tearfully returns to her own
world, Superman seems only mildly disappointed at his loss of
possible connubial bliss. For Supergirl’s part, she’s also
tearful for having meddled in her cousin’s love-life. At the
story’s close, she’s momentarily tempted to try the matchmaker
game once more, but ends the story with the firm resolve not to do
so. Yet arguably her adventure served its ego-boosting purpose:
without indulging in literal incest, Supergirl “makes love” (in
the juvenile sense) to her cousin through an adult doppelganger, and
shows that, except for that pesky Kryptonian law, she might have been
the best match of them all.
6 hours ago
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